AI Powered Greeting Cards 2d Printed on a Prusa Mini 3d Printer

At my day job I lead a small team of designers and they are genuinely a freaking delight to work with. So I wanted to create a little something to thank them for all of the effort they have put in this year. Of course, I 3d printed them a…

DIY Plug-in Temperature and Humidity Sensor for ESPHome

This past year I have become *completely* obsessed with HomeAssistant, adding a number of sensors and smart products all over our house all controlled through HomeAssistant (from the Everything Presence One mmWave sensor in my office to the Roborock vaccuum and even our solar system). However, due to the way…
Canary Air Quality Sensor

Make a Canairi inspired Smart Air Quality sensor using CircuitPython, MQTT and HomeAssistant

A couple of years back a couple of guys from Denmark released the Canairi, a simple Co2 sensor designed to let you know when it was time to ventilate your room. When I first saw it on Kickstarter I fell in love, but felt that there was room to make…

I asked ChatGPT which is better: #CircuitPython or #MicroPython?

So I finally gave in to the hype and decided to give Chat GPT a go. In the absence of an interesting prompt, I asked our new robot overlord to help me with a common dilemma faced by people getting into hobbyist electronics: Which is better MicroPython or CircuitPython? This…

First print of the year – Diffused Pyramid

Trying a new idea to keep me blogging more frequently. I’ll be sharing my smaller 3d print projects as well as my bigger ones! This is my first print of 2023, an awesome little holocron-esque Pyramid LED lamp diffuser. This was designed by my Mastodon buddy Hrafnkell Eiríksson. Download and…

My 2023 Maker Resolutions

I can’t quite believe 2023 is here already! 2022 was a wild ride. I started the year with some great projects, but had to put my maker ambitions aside for a while as I move house. In June ’22 we bought a new house, but it needs a full rennovation.…
construction at work

Sorry for the mess

I’m currently in the process of moving this site back to WordPress. Some content will return soon! I’ll try my best to get the written content back ASAP but it’ll take a little longer to restore images. Hold tight!

3d Printing Timelapses with iPhone and Octolapse

One of the things that got me interested in 3d printing more than anything else, was watching those magical timelapse videos made with the Octolapse plugin for Octopi. The way those 3d prints magically grow out of the print bed was mesmerising! Sadly, the reality of taking 3d printing timelapses…

1 Week with the Prusa Mini

A review of the Prusa Mini+ Kit from a 3d printing newbie. It’s been a very exciting week for me as I recently acquired my first ever 3d printer! Which, as you can tell from the title, is the Prusa Mini+ Kit. I considered getting the preassembled version of the…

Python script to make connecting to the Circuit Python REPL quick and easy!

I’m a HUGE fan of CircuitPython, it’s really my go to for all hardware hacking and I’ll use it as much as possible, prefering to buy CircuitPython compatible devices rather than ones that run straight up Arduino. One of the reasons for that is because the development process is similar…